Elaine Tanner Canada’s” Mighty Mouse” of the pool and her partner (husband) John Watt, have combined their efforts to form TEAMUNDERDOG.CA
Our sole Mission is to help the little guys and gals of the world who face huge odds and struggles against formidable foes. Team Underdog’s goal and previous crusades have focused on raising funds for the true underdogs of life.
The initial goal years ago was to help a young 12 year old aspiring gymnast named Tamara O’Brien and her single mom of Vancouver who was unable to pay Tamara’s expenses to attend the Junior World Championships in Russia in 2009. Tamara had well earned her qualification to compete with the best in the World but didn’t have the means to prove her immense talent. She and her mother Tina were ready to quit and give up due to financial reasons.
That is when Team Underdog stepped in and set up a trust fund for Tamara’s training and travelling expenses. Donating some of our own funds along with the generous help of the Vancouver Province front page cover, we were able to find a full time sponsor for Tamara’s entire amateur career.
Team Underdog is happy to report that as recently as November 2013, Tamara just won another international gold and silver medal representing Canada proudly at the World Championships in Bulgaria once again!…… Mission accomplished.
NOTE: Team Underdog takes no money or handles any funds we either set up trust funds in the recipient’s name or direct others to their web sites or where to make contributions directly to their cause. We fund this web site teamunderdog.ca and other sites and expenses relying solely on our own resources and happy to do so.
Other Team Underdog Crusades over the last few years and decade have included work with mental health and helping the homeless. The Toronto Star newspaper annual Children’s Christmas Fund, raising awareness on water safety and drowning prevention in the Province of Ontario. Other interests is our great love of animals. This finds us supporting the inherent rights of all animals to be treated humanely and compassionately.